Deploye Commands for Powershell

Backup-SPSite -Identity http://n-axisvpc4:4646 -Path c:\anil234\site4646.bak--> Good and Best Command To take the Site Back-up  
Restore-SPSite -Identity http://n-axisvpc4:6789 -Path c:\anil234\site4646.bak--> Good and Best Command To take the Site Restore  

 Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath C:\Back4646\KaizenContentType.wsp----->it is used to add the wsp into Central admin 
After manually you have to deploy in central administration 
Update-SPSolution –Identity KaizenContentType.wsp –LiteralPath C:\VFSProjectH2.wsp –GACDeployment----->it is used for update a wsp  
stsadm -o deleteuser   -url <URL name>   -userlogin sharepoint\system   -group <group>--> 
it is used to delete the system acount(administrator) in groups  

ststadm -o export -url http://n-axisvpc4:4646 -Filename c:\anil1234\4646.bak---->site Back up  
stsadm -o activatefeature -filename "bamboo.telerik.config\feature.xml" -urlhttp://n-axisvpc4:6789 -force   Activating Feature 
The content type with Id 0x010801000DF1987B0FD44F51BDF87FDFD65C3464 defined in feature {7d553c50-653d-4b4c-b007-c8d1865f0da4} was found in the current site collection or in a subsite.  
Uninstall-SPFeature Foldername--->hive\template\featurefoldername  
Uninstall-SPFeature KaizenTasksContentTypes_Feature1  
Disable-SPFeature 7d553c50-653d-4b4c-b007-c8d1865f0da4 -Url http://sharepoint-app:2525   
Install-SPFeature Foldername--->hive\template\featurefoldername  
Install-SPFeature KaizenTasksContentTypes_Feature1  
Enable-SPFeature KaizenTasksContentTypes_Feature1 -Url http://sharepoint-app:2525  
The content type with Id 0x010801000DF1987B0FD44F51BDF87FDFD65C3464 defined in feature {7d553c50-653d-4b4c-b007-c8d1865f0da4} was found in the current site collection or in a subsite.  
Uninstall-SPFeature KaizenTasksContentTypes_Feature1  
Disable-SPFeature 7d553c50-653d-4b4c-b007-c8d1865f0da4 -Url http://sharepoint-app:2525   
Install-SPFeature KaizenTasksContentTypes_Feature1  
Enable-SPFeature KaizenTasksContentTypes_Feature1 -Url http://sharepoint-app:2525  

Please follow the below steps to deploy the updated wsp file. 
before deploying the wsp file first try to update the dll in assembly. 
Steps to take the dll backup from server 
goto run and copy below shortcut name to find the dll 
then find the folder name with SteriliteProject  
now copy this folder and keep in somewhere. 
Steps to Update dll 
extract the attached file then you can get the wsp file. 
now change the extension of wsp file to cab. 
double click on cab file now you can get the dll and other files. 
now copy the dll and keep in somewhere. 
now goto run and type assembly and drag and drop the dll into assembly. 
now do the iisreset. 
Now check the comments. 


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