How to save site as a template in sherepoint2013
In SharePoint 2013 Sites are Saved as Template in the same way as in earlier versions but there are some steps that you need to consider before moving forward. Important things to know about Saving Sites as Template - In SharePoint 2013, by default, you Cannot Save a Publishing Site (or a Site with Publishing feature activated) as a Site Template.This however Can be done using a workaround (i.e. using _layouts/savetmpl.aspx url). As in SharePoint 2010 Saving Sites as Template does not generate a .stp file, it gets saved as a .wsp in Solutions gallery. When Saving a Site as Template the WSP generated is temporarily saved in the c:\temp or in c:\windows\temp folder and later in the solution gallery on SharePoint. Make sure that the App pool account has Full permissions to c:\temp and c:\windows\temp folder. You Cannot Create a Subsite based on a Site Template that was Created in SharePoint 2010. You will need to recreate the sit...