My Interview Experience


Is thier any other way to host webjobs insted of Azure?

What is the another way to send Email in online insted of timer job?

What is the Default item limit with out top parameter?

How can you pull the items more than 5000 thousand

Threshhold value of list in online and 2016 and 2013

How to we get Personor Grup field

How do we set Status icons in a list using Column Formating

Explain about Timer job?

What is Content Type?

what if i add more colomuns in parent content type does this reflect in child Content Type?

How can we set as default master?

How do you move the document from one libray to another lib what class u used in your coding

How to you run SP Security.reunwith elivated privilages in SharePoint Designer


How do Filter Managed Metadata filed falue in RestAPI

How do you get multiple users in PersonorUser Group Fiels using Rest API,

How do you get Description filed value in RestAPI

can we write camel querries in Rest API

how do you pass camel querry in Rest api

What is the Deference Between GET and POST?

At what senarios you go for Post Request?

At what senarios you go for Camel querry Rest API request ?

how do you get more than 5000 list items?


What is Sharepoint Portal Server?

What is the use of WebService?

What is the adavantages Sharepoint?

Why we use Sharepoint?


What is the challanging thing that you did in the SharePoint Onlie?

Tell me the Steps of SPFX Frame Work?

What is the use of typescript in SharePoint Frame Work?

Theretically tell me how to create a hosted App?

IF you have timer jobs and event recivers how do you implement in Online?

How do you create complex forms in SharePoint Online?

How do you implement permisssion in cosutom form using Rest Api?

what is node js how it act as?

Do you have migration Experience?


What is Cross Site Origin

Write Code for Insert and Get Items using REST API

Write the Steps for SPFX APP Webpart

What is the Length of the URL

How do you increncee the performace time of a page?

What is Event Reciver?

What is the base class for Timerjob?

Have you worked on D3Plugin,Highcharts,notification, jqgrid?

what is typescript?

difference between typescript and javascript?

What is Directive?

Which version of nodejs is supported in sharepoint?

Explain me Deployment steps for SPFX APP?

What dose pomise() and deffered objects dose?

What is scaffolding?

Explain me initial set of app development?

what is ayncronus and syncronus events?

what is a web service?

how do you pull more than 5000 items from a list?

how do you implement pagging?

is camel querry a webservice?


What are the services you know in sharepoint?

I have developed a workflow its working fine in Dev, In production it is not working what are the steps you taken?

In my site has error and it gives me the correlation ID What are the steps you follow?

Give me the Hive path?

Where you will see the error log files?

How do you migrate PHP Content database to sharepoint ?

have worked on Posershell scripting

How do move visual studio workflow to the prod environment and explain me the deployment commands?

Do you have any experience on project server, SSIS, SSRS Reports,


Composed Looks

Document loocked By

404 Error 

Read only and view Permissions Levels

Can we user content types across site collection level

can we pull data from from site collection to another sitecollection using content querry webpart

difference between content query and content serch webpart

what is diff between script editor and content editor webart

what is taxonomy

Search configuratoions

How many web application zones(intranet and extranet internet)

How to you create Responsive application?

What are the Media Quirres


What is .mds File?

What is Server Object model and Client object modal Cycle

What is Default item limit for REST API Request?

What is limits of Rest API?

What is Great THings you observed Using Rest API

What is Put,Merge,Post?

What is Execute And Execute async

Is Rest API a Default a Syncronus or asyncrounus?

What is syncronus and Asyncronus?

what is the differenece between workflow and event reciver?

what is the app step?

write ECMA Script for getting list items

What is load?

which is better performance and y among javascript and jquerry?

have u modified the jquery file?

what is the differnece between minified version of file and unminified version of jquery file?

what is evetrecivers inttroduced in sharpoint 2013

what is base class for SPUSerEvent reciver?

What is CDN

How do you access the files from CDN Which user is not having Permission on the few files in CDN

I have senario i have list with 10 lookups how do you pull the details and bind  in the form

What is the treshhold value of the List filds/Items?

What if i want to pull more than 5000 records

How if the pagging url?

what is the defference between the state machine and seqentilal workflow

What is Request.validate(digest)?


What is Content type?

How Do you create a list for 50 SQL Tables?

How Restrict adding another Site Collection Administrator?

How to Create a Responsive Pages of 3 tabs Efforts?

How do you pull another site collection Data?

Where dose Site pages and Application pages resides?

Explain the Deployment Steps?

What is content and configured databases?

How to add 100 webparts in a page?

What are the files we have in a .wsp file?

Do you have knowledge in Azure?

Do you have knowledge in SPFx?

Do you have knowledge in Power Shell?

Do you have knowledge in SQL?

How do you delete a webpart in a Page?

What you have did in Rest API?

Do you have knowledge in provider and hosted Apps?

How do you pull list data into content page explain the style?

How do you Debugge the client code Explain the Steps?

how do you modify the element.xml file?

what is the server object model and client object modal?


What is a Workflow?

What is Event reciver?

how do you add a webpart in modren page?

how to pull another sitecollection data?

Explain me about sync and async calls?

What knoledge you have in migration?

What is the difference between put post merge calls in Rest api?

what is Defered and Promise objects?

what is executeQuery and executeasync methods?

What is the base calss for timer job?

what processer you attach for a timer job?

My site is working in test and dev it is causing issue in Prodection how do you resolve?

On What sitecollection does timer job is executed?

How to pull more than 5000 records from a list?

Can i Go with Search api insted of Rest APi, Which is Better and on what senarios you used? Which is performance driven?

What is Incremantal Crawl and Continous Crawl?

What is sharepoint online is providing search what type of crawl it follows?

Using client side scripting we will not able to impersinate the code?

Another way Impersonating the code?

What would be created by and Modified by names if you used the APP Step?

What is the Difference between APP Step and Impersionation step? 

Evoke Technologies

Difference between Sharepoint 2010 and 2013

What is Page Layouts, Event Reciver vs Work flow,

How do grant permission to a 2 level subsite only with out site collection and subsite.

What is your experince with sharegate tool

Do you know about clust tool (migrating Lotus note to online)

What is base class for Timer job , How do you debugg?

What is the worker process for a timer job?

How to Send Email for every 10 days using Designer work flow?

How to get Person or group field in Rest API?

What is the Defference between View and Read permission levels & List for Permission leveles in SHarepoint?

What is Content Query and Content Search Webpart?

What is the Difference between Content Editor and Script Editor Webpart?

Value Labs

Tell me any 4,5 Deisgner Workflow actions?

Can we call Rest call in Designer Workflow?

How to combine two list data into one list with configuration (With out Coding)?(Designer Action is available)

In list i (Can edit/Update) want to see only my records if logged in user is HR he can able to see all the records with read only ?

how about Sharepoint Power shell Experience?

What are the methods we have in JSOM and Give me Difference Between Put, POst , Merge?

What is SOA Service Oriented Arciteture?

How To Create Responsive Master Page?

What Methadoligy you follow in Current orgination?

SQL Knowledge?


Spadewoax May-28-2021

TCS - June-08-2021

What is sharepoint, what is the main purpose of sharepoint

What is the difference between 2013 and 2016 and 2019, and its deprecations

Have you configured search,how do you configure search, how to configure verticle search refiners

what is the option for Timer job and Event reciver in online 

How to break permisssion to a list

what type events we have in event recivers

what is the purpose of Graph API

Why you costomize Yammer, Even if you have Default Yammer APP

DXC - June-15-2021

What is sharepoint for you?

What is the sevice used by default for sharepoint (PAAS)

Tell me any 5 features in sharepoint

why you defferntiate from OneDrive from Sharepoint

I need get one item from a list in sharpoint using Power APP what action you need to use

what if list is having more than 50000 records

what are the approval actions you worked in MS Flow

what is package-lock.json?

what is shrink.json?

what is Vertual Dom

what is the difference bwtween functional and class components

how do you authenticate/implement authentication using Graph API in SPFx

how do you connect to SPOnline using Powershell,

What is the deferrence between spo connect and pnp connect

What is PNP

where do you clear the cookies and every thing in react life cycle

For Example Based on user access user need to be riderect to different page where do you implement 

how do you pass properties to 3rd level child component in react

how to pass prperties to child components

how to pass properties in functtional components

if you say json obj it is Key value pair then i have object having only values how you get the values from it

if third party or Sql APi Returning a Blob of a file object how you handle it

What kind file types are ducumnet libray accept

what is localization in react ?

what is flex or redux,

Have you worked in routers in react 

how do you get news posts from different site collections and display in the home page

how do you want chane a logo of a online sharepoint what site using sharepoint designer

what is the difference between modren site and classic sites

Fint -June-22-2021

What is process of migrating From Sharepoint 2013 to Shaerpoint Online

What is the Difference between Import and Require

What is the diference between SPHttp CLient and Http Library

What is the difference between WebJobs and WebPuts

On what basis WebJobs will trigger? Based on Action based or Time Interval 

What is alternative for COlumn formating in Sharepoint online, To customize columns

What is props and States in React

How do you implement single page application in react.

how you migrate Contenttypes or visual webparts in sharpoint online

What are things you worked on Power APPs and Power Automate

Fint - June-23-2021********************Second Round*****************

what is Vertual Dom, States, Props, Ref, in React

DataMatics - 04-08-2021

What is Hosteed and Provider Hosted Apps?

What is the difference beteween 2010 and Online

What is the Difference between Classic Site and Modren site?

What is the Difference between and what happen in the background Communication and Team Site?

what is webparts you have seen differnecein Team site and Communication Site

What is SPFX? Why we use spfx?

What is virtualDom?

what are the routing concepts you have worked on?

How many ways to trigger a button click event in SPFx

what is CDN Paths? how do you configure ?

Tell the Deploymnet steps of spfx component?

what and when you use a call back function?

what is the difference bewtween Model Driven apps and Canvas Apps

what do you know about web apps in Azure? What is the web service?

what is office 365 groups what is the use of it?


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