
Showing posts from April 19, 2020

Create multiple web parts in one SPFx Solution

Here you can create a multiple web parts in one SPFx Solution. Steps Below sSet the Environment from here Step 2 In this way i have created four web parts, i am not adding all the screen shots of web parts.After  Once you run the below command it will generate the .sppkg file cmd : gulp bundle --ship  cmd : gulp package-solution --ship please find the screen shot for your reference Drag and drop this .sppkg file in your apps for SharePoint library either tenant level/site collection level  screen shot below. After install the web part in site content. screen shot below. Here we have installed only one .sppkg file and it is having four web parts if observe the below screen you see all the web parts in this solution. Now in the web part pane you can see all the web parts inside the solution. final out put in the below screen. Smiles a lot its cost nothing...😄😄😄

Create App Catalog library in site collection

Some times we don't want to deploy your custom components to a tent level which is not sensible to deploy every component to deploy in tent level. For this situation we need to deploy your custom components to a site collection for this situation you can follow the below steps. Pre-Requisite: You should be global admin before you performing this action Windows power shell if don't have it don't worry download it from here Open SharePoint online management shell as below $site = Get-SPOSite Add-SPOSiteCollectionAppCatalog -Site $site Out Put