
Showing posts from June 20, 2015

Get Current Year From Created by Column


Get multiple users into a array of single SPListItem

string [] delimit = new string [] { ";#" }; DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); string [] stringarray = item[ "TargetAudience" ].ToString().Split((delimit), StringSplitOptions .RemoveEmptyEntries); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); for ( int i = 0; i < stringarray.Length; i++) {     if (i % 2 != 0)     {         sb.Append(stringarray[i].ToString()+ "," );     } }

Remove last letter from the stirng Ex: test1, test2, test3, ß--- it willremove the last comma of the string

myString = myString . substr ( 0 , myString . length - 1 ) + '.' ;

It Gives mail to functionality if we click on the link it will automatically opens the send mail box

<a href=mailto:' + empEmailId + '>' + empEmailId + '</a>

Deployment Commands

Backup-SPSite -Identity "http://uscin2012v3:1234/sites/dev/" -Path "C:\Working\26thNov2014\cp.bak" -NoSiteLock Restore-SPSite -Identity "http://uscin2012v3:1234/sites/dev/" -Path "C:\Anil\25thFeb2015\cp.bak" Restore-SPSite http://uscin2012v3:1234/sites/dev1/ -Path C:\Anil\25thFeb2015\cp.bak

This url gives the list of wsp deployed in that site collection, if you dnt have CM this is way to know your wsp


It gives the hidden users list in that particular site collection


script will hide all the shareppoint default icons

$(document).ready(notRequiredElement); function notRequiredElement() {     $("a[id$='_share_button']").css("display", "none");     $("a[id$='_SyncPromotedAction']").css("display", "none");     $("a[id$='_follow_button']").css("display", "none");      $("a[id$='_SiteActionsMenu']").css("display", "none");       $("a[id$='_TopHelpLink']").css("display", "none");       $("a[id$='_fullscreenmodeBtn']").css("display", "none"); }

line of code is for Compaing to arrays

bool isExists = profileTagArray.SequenceEqual(ProfiletagformValue); 

Below line of code give you the array valu in sort order.

Array .Sort(ProfiletagformValue );//output 0 Dotnet                                          1 Hr                                          2 SharePoint   Array .Sort(profileTagArray);

code gives you SPFieldLookupValueCollection in array format

SPFieldLookupValueCollection fieldValues1 = new SPFieldLookupValueCollection (); foreach ( Control ctrl in PnlProfileTags.Controls )// Form Control Id {     CheckBox cb = ctrl as CheckBox ;     if (cb != null )     {         if (cb.Checked)         {             int TageID = Convert .ToInt32(cb.ID.Substring(4));   var TagItm = web.Lists[listTags.Title].GetItemById(TageID);  fieldValues1.Add( new SPFieldLookupValue (TagItm.ID, TagItm.Title));          }      }  } List < string > strValues = new List < string >();   foreach ( var item in fieldValues1)  {      strValues.Add(item.ToString().Split( '#' )[1]);  }   string [] ProfiletagformValue = strValues.ToArray(); // output 0 SharePoint                                                               1 Dotnet                                                               2 Hr           

Below code gives you how to bind Hyperlink field Using ECMA

var hyperValue = new SP.FieldUrlValue(); hyperValue.set_url( "/sites/Assetmgmt/SitePages/DisplayUserAccCretn.aspx?IID=" + idValue); hyperValue.set_description( "View" ); oListItem.set_item( "View" , hyperValue);

Getting Values from List using SP services

$().SPServices({ operation: "GetListItems" , async: false , listName: "User Account Requests" , CAMLRowLimit: "<RowLimit>1</RowLimit>" , CAMLQuery: '<Query><OrderBy><FieldRef Name="ID" Ascending="False" /></OrderBy></Query>' ,         completefunc: function (xData, Status) {             //alert(Status);             //alert(xData.responseText);             $(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode( "z:row" ).each( function () {                // debugger;                 reqID = $( this ).attr( "ows_ID" );   //alert(getlistitemID);             });         }     });

Below one line Code is for reduce the width of PPL picker

$( "[id$=_ pplReportingTo_OuterTable ]" ).css( "width" , "187px" );Keep your PPl Picker Control     ID

Get Query String value using ECMA Script.

function getQueryStringValue(name) {     var queryStrJson = $.parseJSON( "{\"" + /&/g , ",\"" ).replace( /=/g , "\":" ) + "}" );     return queryStrJson[name]; }

Get date value as specified format like 10/27/2015

function convertToDateFormat(Datevalue) {     if (Datevalue != null ) {         var d = Datevalue;         var n = d.getMonth();         var n1 = d.getFullYear();         var n2 = 1;         var n3 = d.getDate();         var day = +n3 + +n2;         var x = +n + +n2;         curdate = x + '/' + day + '/' + n1;         return curdate;     } }

Get checkbox checked values using ECMA Script

function getCheckBoxselectedControl(controlName) {     var favorite = "" ;     $.each($( "input[name=" + controlName + "]:checked" ), function () {         favorite += ($( this ).val()) + "," ;     });     return favorite; }

Get Multiple list Data using ECMA in a Single Hit.

function GetRegisteredSoft() {     // debugger;     clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();     var camlQuery = SP.CamlQuery.createAllItemsQuery();     $.each(list, function (index, lstName) {         // debugger;         var oList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(lstName);         $( "body" ).data(lstName, oList.getItems(camlQuery));         clientContext.load($( "body" ).data(lstName));     });     clientContext.executeQueryAsync(        Function.createDelegate( this , this .retrieveSoftwareInfoListItemsSuccess),        Function.createDelegate( this , this .retrieveSoftwareInfoListItemsFail)); } function retrieveSoftwareInfoListItemsSuccess() {     //debugger;     $.each(list, function (index, lstName) {         //debugger;         var result = $( "body" ).data(lstName);         var empBasicInfoListItemEnumerator = result.getEnumerator();         while (empBasicInfoListI